What is a Guardian ad Litem?
A guardian ad litem, sometimes abbreviated "GAL", may be appointed to represent the best interests of the child or children in a family law case. This includes cases like divorce, custody modification, legitimation, and other similar matters. The guardian ad litem is an officer of the court. They will investigate and make a recommendation to the parties and the Court as to what custody arrangement is in the best interest of the children in that case. A guardian ad litem's investigation typically includes observing the children with each parent or caregiver, speaking to witnesses, reviewing documents, and more.
Guardians ad litem are appointed by Judges to serve in a family law case. If you are a party to family law case and interested in having a guardian ad litem appointed to represent the best interests of your children, you should speak with your lawyer, if you have one. Ultimately, it is up to the Judge in each case to determine whether a guardian ad litem will be appointed and who that guardian ad litem will be.